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Proud mother of Emme

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013
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Hair Remedy | Oily like Kuali

I think it is unavoidable that mothers (especially when your child is four months and above) experience hair problems.

When I was young, my mother complained that she suffered from severe hair loss (post pregnancy), one huge patch was gone at the back of her head! So not obvious that she only realised the problem during a hair cut where the hair dresser said "Ah, aunty ah, 你头后面没有头发.". So the ordeal was 3 jabs onto the scalp of the problematic area! YES! NEEDLES!

Two to three years ago, I suffered similar problem, but more mild. *sniff sniff* The left side of my head, sizing up to be more than a fifty cents coin. Visited our GP, applied medicine and bought zinc vitamins from the pharmacy. The doctor suspected that I have a sudden spike loss of zinc (through intensive exercises). Hair grew back gradually. *Phew*

Seven months ago, IT HAPPENED AGAIN! Now, its the hormones. A small patch of hair went missing at the back of my head. I didn't visit the GP this time round, cos I was told that such thing was common. I niam-ed non stop until i feel that my hair grows enough in my definition. HAHA. Poor hubby.

Three months ago, I started to experience severe hair loss (overall, not patch). Again, I was told that it is one of a common post pregnancy. I dropped more hair than usual during bath, comb and anytime! But I was so worried that the growth is unable to sustain the dropping rate. Before the issue of hair loss recover, my scalp turned itchy most of my waking time. And dandruff started conquering my scalp. Snow falls so frequently onto my shoulders. Feeling so inferior wearing dark colored clothings. And worst of all, dark colored apparels are my best wardrobe friends!

Researched and tried different anti-dandruff shampoos. THEN, before I could get over the snow season, MY HAIR (OWN HEAD) TURNED OILY! It is like the inside of a kuali (a large metal Chinese cooking pot having a curved base like a bow)! My neck and face were affected!

After intensive researching, I'm proud to say that I found an effective remedy for removing the grease.

Mix some baking soda with your choice of shampoo then wash and rinse as per normal! The amount of soda used depends fully on the condition of your hair. If it is god damn oily (like kuali after u fried chicken), you can use perhaps one teaspoon of baking soda. For me, I add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon. After two washes, my hair went back to normal!

Im still in the midst of battling dandruff and hair loss, will update if there's new discovery!

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